Category: Conversation

Where Do Your Ideas Come From?

Writers often get asked, “Where do your ideas come from?” The answer is anywhere and everywhere. The idea for CAPTIVE, book one in the Survival Race Series came to me while watching the rescue of mistreated horses on an episode of Animal Cops. It was heart wrenching to see those beautiful animals neglected and starved so thin their rib cages showed. How would the owner have felt if he were penned up and abused like that? This got me thinking. What if humans were pets, and someone–aliens perhaps–bred us and gambled on us for sport like we do in horse racing, dog racing, and cockfights? What if they wanted to be entertained by watching alpha gladiators fight to the death? Hmm…I have no idea what happened in the rest of the episode, as I was busy cogitating a new story idea.  In creating the technologically advanced aliens, called the


What Running Injuries Taught Me About Writing

Last fall I injured myself…twice! You may know from reading the blog that in addition to being an author I am a martial artist. But did you know I’m also a lifelong runner? My love for running started in the 6th grade with track. In middle school, I found road races and cross country. I ran competitively in high school and lettered in cross country, indoor tack, and outdoor track every year for all fours years earning a total of 12 varsity letters. I was recruited to a Division I university where I competed mostly in the 800, 1500, and 3000 meters as well as cross country. I even met my husband at a road race! Over the years we’ve run many races together—at our own paces, of course, as he’s a lot faster than me. I’ve run trail races, tough mudders, and a few half marathons. I had even


Pandemic Greetings: What Karate & Courtesy Have to do With Covid

I’ve seen a lot of different pandemic greetings in an effort to stop the spread of germs from handshaking. There’s waving, nodding, toe touching, the Vulcan greeting, fist bumping, and elbow touching (which I don’t understand because didn’t you just sneeze into your elbow and now you want to touch your germ-y elbow to mine? Ew!) But the greeting I like the best is bowing. Please, can we adopt the Asian custom of bowing into American culture? Here’s why I like bowing. First, there’s no touching involved which avoids sweaty palms, limp grips, and other unpleasant handshakes. It also avoids the awkward or uncomfortable hugs you’d rather not give or receive. Second, bowing is more than a greeting. It is courtesy. It is respect. It is gratitude. It is a small act that conveys great meaning. Gichin Funakoshi is known as the father of modern day karate because he brought


Increasing Tension Through Personal Space

One of the oddest things I find in this Covid-19 era is how physical distancing affects different people. My family and I have been sheltering in place for four weeks now, but I remember what my husband, Scott, said to me the first week (like the second day into Shelter in Place). Scott: “People aren’t meant to stay at home. We’re social creatures.” Me: “Not all of us.” You can tell which one of us is extroverted and which one is introverted. Out of my family, I’ve been the least affected from the stay at home order. Even though the last three years I have been meeting my friend and author Stacey Wilk at Starbucks or Panera to write four times a week, we’re not socializing…much. We put on our headphones and fall into our own worlds. The rest of the time, I write at home in solitude. I’m still

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